Friday, January 7, 2011


I was in the shower this morning thinking about my weekend plans and it hit me....what the hell am I gonna do on Sunday afternoons now?  

Now I know a lot of you watch football the entire season, and to that I say - good on ya!  But as much as I would love to watch all of the football games every week, I just don't have the time so I only ever watch my Buccaneers play!  

Or in this case of this season, listen to them!  See, we've been blacked out locally because we didn't sell enough tickets to the home games but a local radio station plays the game EVERY game so home games I would listen in on the radio.  I really LOVE the guy that does the announcing for us, he is soooo animated and it really makes it a lot of fun!  To be honest, I've actually turned the tv sound down and turned the radio on just to listen to him! LOL

We played a great game last week against New Orleans and did all we could (at that point) to get ourselves into the playoffs.  Green Bay and New England ruined our chances but we still won 10 games this year, which is a helluva lot better than the measly 3 last year!  

I'm proud of my boys, especially Josh Freeman - and as a little sidenote here - isn't he just a doll?!?!?!  So I will follow along to keep tabs on who is winning and who isn't but my football watching is pretty much over until the Super Bowl, and even then, it just depends on who is playing or who is having a kick ass party!  lol


Kisses ~ Kristine

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